You are your greatest asset!

Lying somewhere deep inside of you are all the answers to the questions you have been pondering. Beneath the layers of distractions from work, caring for family, or from just feeling stuck, are the gifts, skills and abilities to accomplish what your heart desires.

You can do this! You can find creative ways to manage your time, to find the resources, and to muster up the energy to make your dreams come true. Right now, you have enough health, strength and determination to push through where you are to get to where you want to be.

  • Start by setting one achievable goal at a time.
  • Let your friends and family know that you are reinvesting in yourself.
  • Face your fears and reflect on all the times that you have not allowed fear to defeat you.
  • Read a book about someone who became successful after overcoming the odds.
  • Make a list of the responsibilities you can eliminate or designate to someone else.
  • Spend a few minutes each day seeing the self you desire to be.

No one knows you better than you! Take a good look at yourself and believe in the beauty, charm, wit, intellect, and power that you see. You are worth the risk! You are your greatest asset!