Compassionate Coaching for End-of-Life Care and Relationship Loss
Life is filled with transitions and losses. We lose our youth, and people we care for. We lose jobs, our health, our power and privileges. Sometimes we even lose hope. It is impossible to experience life without experiencing some form of loss.
But seldom are we taught to understand loss as a part of life.
Grief takes many forms.
It can surprise us. It can challenge us. It can overwhelm us.
And it can help heal us too.
There are times when we need someone to help us journey through difficult and painful waters. And there are times when we simply need someone to hold up a mirror to help us see ourselves and our circumstances more clearly.

Are you finding it hard to let go of unhealthy relationships?
Are you having a difficult time facing the final days of a loved one?
Do you need support and guidance as you make difficult end-of-life decisions?
If you need a safe place to land from the pain of loss and find hope for the future, you’ve come to the right place.
I am Stephany Graham Walker. I bring years of personal and professional experience with death, dying and relationship loss to compassionately help people face the realities of life, the spirituality of death, and life beyond losses of all kinds.
As a Certified Life Coach for end-of life care, I walk with people who are dying. I also coach people who have been through divorce, lost familial relationships through abandonment and betrayal, and experienced loss through the death of loved ones. With an unshakable commitment to listening, I provide a safe and supportive environment for you as you work through the physical, emotional, and spiritual feelings and changes that are fundamental to death and grief.
As your coach, I will walk with you wherever you are on your journey – to help you think through your challenges and guide you as you determine the best outcome for yourself.
Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation to determine if compassionate coaching will be helpful for you.