Here are some common questions people ask before deciding to work with me as their coach:

How personalized is your coaching?

For individuals:

Coaching sessions begin with where you are. I make space for whatever you are experiencing and want to process or explore. You determine how the session unfolds and how quickly the process moves along. You also determine whether or not we end with an action plan. It’s all up to you. If you need a listening ear as you express your anger, fear, or appreciation for the joy of life, you can trust in my nonjudgmental presence. In addition, I can provide guidance for you as you decide or prioritize the things you would like to accomplish.

Sometime people at the end of their lives wrestle with how best to express what they are feeling or experiencing with family or friends. I can also facilitate quality time with family or friends for people who are struggling with how best to connect.

Thinking about ending a relationship, either personal or professional? You will know when it’s time. But you may want a neutral, compassionate ear to help you move through the break and get clear about what comes next. Together we can discover new ways to fulfill personal or professional dreams, establish safe relationship boundaries, and set healthy goals that will promote a lifestyle of satisfaction.

For families:

The death of a loved one impacts the entire family in different ways. I can facilitate group coaching sessions that will offer each person the opportunity to express their grief, concerns, anger, fears, or other emotions that might surface. When the family of a dying person receives the support they need, it can help to ease some of the overwhelming feelings the dying person themselves may be experiencing.

Often, it is after the funeral and burial of a loved one that coaching can be most helpful. Ongoing support might be needed when the shock of death begins to wear off and the adrenaline to get through the planning process decreases. I personalize our interactions based entirely on your needs.

For professionals:

As a caregiving professional, I understand how important it is to strike a healthy balance between work, family, and self-care. I also understand how little time you have to add anything else to your already overextended schedule. So many people depend on you for help. You deserve to have the self-paced confidential support of coaching as you continue to work to improve the lives of others. Coaching sessions are flexible and easily rescheduled. We move at a pace that you determine. When you are at your best, you are better able to help those you serve.

How is working with you different from working with a therapist?

Unlike therapists, coaches do not focus on your past, they help you start from where you are to help plan the steps to take you where you want to be. As a coach, I can help you discover the answers and solutions that already exist within you.

How is working with you different from working with a pastor?

As a coach, I do not promote any type of faith tradition. Nor do I suggest religious practices as a part of the coaching process. Pastors often begin counseling sessions with references to the Bible, and other religious materials that are fundamental to a person’s belief system. I am careful not to assume that everyone I meet has a belief system. What I focus on are our common human experiences.

I see you’re a pastor; what if I’m not religious? How does your faith impact your work?

Yes, I wear two separate hats, and yes, my faith does impact my work. As a person of deep faith, I recognize the value of every human being. My faith allows me to be in touch with my own imperfections and vulnerabilities without passing judgment on myself or anyone else. I understand that we all experience seasons of life that can be challenging and rewarding. I believe that we are created to help one another experience our own unique lives to the fullest. I am able to clearly differentiate between the role of pastor and the role of a coach.