Who I Serve
Individuals and Families
It is impossible to experience life without experiencing some form of loss. We lose our youth, and people we care for. We may lose jobs, our health, power and privileges, or even hope.
When working through a loss, you may be anxious or worried, angry or frightened. You may feel stressed, lonely, powerless, or misunderstood. Perhaps you’re in pain, or concerned that no one can help you get through this difficulty. You may be questioning . . . everything.

The good news is: You don’t have to be anyone but yourself right now. What you’re experiencing is normal, and valid. And needing support is not an indication of failure! On the contrary – your instinct to seek help is a wonderful step toward caring for yourself more fully.

As a Certified Life Coach for end-of-life care and relationship loss, I provide compassionate guidance, focused direction, and support for individuals and families who face significant loss resulting from death, illness, break-ups, divorce, and professional separations.
I also walk with people who are dying, who seek peace and solace as they make this emotional journey.
Working with me, you’ll experience nonjudgmental listening, patience, and an open heart. I will walk beside you as you navigate the feelings and changes that are both common and necessary to the process of grieving, and for finding peace. I respect that every person’s situation is unique, and have no agenda but to help you find relief.
It’s never too late, or too early, to seek support.
I welcome your call or email at any time. You might also like to read my blog on various aspects of healing.
Professional caregivers and organizations supporting people who are experiencing loss
The ever-increasing demands on professional care providers often go unacknowledged and under-appreciated. You likely experience significant stress of your own while caring for people in difficult circumstances. This stress may come from the frustration of not being able to provide ongoing support once people leave your care. It may come from a lack of sufficient time to fully support as many people as need it. Stress may also manifest in an inability to properly care for yourself due to the demands of your important work.
You are wonderful at what you do! It’s important to you to make a positive impact on everyone you serve. You also know that what you can provide is often limited, due to time, organizational capacity or restrictions.

How often do you stop to consider what kind of professional support YOU might need? What might it feel like to become more effective in service of others, and better at managing your own well-being?
Personal and Professional Support for the Professional Caregiver

What if you could improve your quality of service without sacrificing more of your quality time?
How would it feel to be able to live and work with less stress, AND know that you can provide a continuity of loving care to your clients even after your ability to serve them has passed?
I can provide the continuity of professional support that can reduce YOUR stress while helping your clients ease forward into their new circumstances with less fear and anxiety. This extra support enables the good work that you began with your clients to proceed with a trusted colleague for the one-to-one long-term attention they often need.
In addition to coaching people experiencing illness, relationship loss or loss of loved ones, and folks at the end of their lives, I also work directly with care providers like yourself. You know your work can exact a toll on your own wellbeing. Compassionate Coaching can provide the guidance you may need to care for yourself effectively while continuing your own work with strength and compassion.
Funeral Directors
The care and attention that you provide to mourning and grieving families cannot be duplicated. As you know, the grieving process has no time limits. Coming to a both an intellectual and emotional acceptance of the reality of loss takes time.
I am committed to supporting individuals and families after the funeral is over, to guide them as they discover how to adapt to their loss. I can also provide confidential professional support to funeral directors and staff who constantly face the stress of caring for grieving families.

Chaplains and Doctors
Caring for those who are forced to face death is a high and holy calling. It requires a special ability to help people face their fears and the reality that everything they know is coming to an end. Chaplains and doctors can discern when people need more time and attention than the person assigned to care for multiple patients and families is able to provide. Compassionate Coaching can provide extra support to help people achieve comfort and strength. I offer a steady presence and guidance after hospital care and intervention.
Hospice Care Providers
When people are dying, they want to know that their lives matter. They want to finish unfinished business. They want to share their thoughts and feelings, to say what needs to be said to people they have loved. They want to ask questions and share secrets. My Compassionate Coaching can provide a listening ear, deliver a message, and support the family of the dying during this time of transition. I am able to offer the dedicated one-to-one time that people sometimes need to achieve peace and acceptance.

Pastors are often the first ones entrusted with the knowledge that a congregant or the family member of a congregant is dying. Though pastoral care is essential, pastors are not always available to provide the concerted time and attention that the dying and their families often need. After the funeral, people often need additional support that the demands of pastoral ministry cannot provide. That’s where Compassionate Coaching can help. We will walk alongside people facing death, and with the families of the deceased, for as long as they feel necessary.
Many of my professional clients say that bringing my coaching into the conversation with their own clients has not only made a positive difference for all parties, but has even enhanced their trusted relationship with their clients.
As a coach, I support people wherever they are on their journeys, helping them think through their challenges and guiding them as they determine the best outcome for themselves.
Looking for relief – for yourself or those in your care?
Contact me at 410 493-6748 for a free 15-minute conversation. Together, we can determine if Compassionate Coaching can enhance your professional and/or personal life. If you prefer, you can complete the form on my contact page, and I’ll get back with you promptly.
I look forward to talking with you further to learn how I may be of service.