Are You Feeling Lost?

At this time in human history, we are all venturing into uncharted territory, whether we know it or not. Not knowing exactly where we are, we find ourselves unsure of which way to go, and eventually the uneasy feeling that we are lost presents itself.

Grief compounds this uncertainty. When someone we love dies, or when we have experienced another kind of deep loss (of our health, or of a relationship, for example), we must allow ourselves to grieve and mourn with purpose. Grief has no expiration date! But we can support ourselves through the process by affirming that we don’t need to know exactly where we are going in order to take our first steps.

Each of us grieves differently. We learn to find our own way, rather than following an established path. In doing so, we learn to trust that we will be guided and supported on our journey as we seek to find new and meaningful ways to live with purpose.

Feelings denied, repressed, or ignored can affect every aspect of your life. Unrecognized feelings can have a devastating effect on your relationships with others, as well as your personal integrity and serenity.

There is no need to pretend. Pretending isolates the real you from those who can help you. You do not have to journey alone. And know that, by reading this today, you’ve already taken the first step to discovering more ways to connect or reconnect with others who share your values and interests.