Are you feeling betrayed?

Have you been denied a promotion that you feel you deserved? Has someone you were depending on let you down? Life can be like that sometimes. Though you are hurting, please don’t give up on yourself, or on other people.

Because of your experiences, now you will be able to identify some of the signs of possible betrayal as you move forward. There are circumstances that can prevent others from following through on promises they have made, yet they lack the courage to inform you.

Placing all our hopes and dreams in the integrity of someone else often leads to disappointment, but there are things YOU can do yourself to maintain your progress toward your dreams, even when others may fall down on the job.

Next time:

  • Get professional promises in writing.
  • Make sure to check in regularly to ensure that expectations can be met in a timely way.
  • Look for signs throughout your daily interactions that your associates may be cutting corners, mincing words, or procrastinating.

It’s their loss!

Keep your head up – and keep developing your skills and assets, so that when other opportunities arrive (and they will), or when other relationships seek you out, you will be more discerning about someone’s ability to follow through.
Success in life is determined by the way we evolve from life’s disappointments. Let this one be a valuable life lesson that will add to your wisdom chest and motivate you even more.